CYOC FOOD DRIVE 华府青年拟开展食品捐赠收集活动

CYOC FOOD DRIVE 华府青年拟开展食品捐赠收集活动

Dear CYOC members,

Though Montogomery County is one of the wealthy counties in the nation, many families in our county are still struggling to make ends meet during the pandemic. In order to devote our effort to relieve hunger, CYOC is happy to announce the first food drive at the weekends from 09/13/2022 to 10/16/2022. This event requires multiple teams of 2-3 members to set up stations at different local supermarkets, distribute food drive flyers and collect donations from grocery shoppers. Nonperishable items such as rice, pasta, bagged oatmeal, tinned meat or tinned fish are highly needed. Due to food allergy concerns, no home-made food is recommended. At least one parent or guardian is needed for each team if volunteers are under 18 years old. All collected food will be donated to the community food bank. Volunteers are welcome to donate food and prepare cards with encouraging words for this effort. Please do not include religious words in this case as this is to general public of diverse races, culture and religions. Please indicate your time of availability and preferred supermarket for your team at the following link:

We will coordinate the time and location for individual team for the food drive based on information that we receive. Depending on the amount of food we collect, we will also need volunteers to register and organize the food and send them to the community food bank in the name of CYOC. We will keep you updated.

CYOC will grant SSL hours to all CYOC youth volunteers for the hours that each youth volunteer spends on flyer distribution and food collection. One additional SSL hour will be granted for your donation and a card. If you are not a CYOC member, please join us before you participate in this food drive event. To join CYOC, please fill in the form at the following link:

Please remember to check your email after submission and confirm your registration at the provided link to your email. Please wear a CYOC T-shirt for the event. For new members, please contact TC ( to order T shirts with CYOC logo in adult sizes and bring $10 per T shirt when you come to our event for the 1st time.

Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to participate in our event. Please email to (Ryan) or call Catherine at 267 632 8185 if you have any questions or suggestions.


Ryan from CYOC

尽管蒙郡属全美富庶之郡,疫情之中许多家庭仍然入不敷出。为了奉献我们的爱心, CYOC 拟组织一期食品捐赠收集活动。活动时间从2022年9月10日开始到10月16日截止。本期活动需多个团队,每个团队每次至少2到3名小义工,周末到社区超市门口分发食品捐赠传单, 收集捐赠食品。非冷藏食品如大米,意大利面条,小包装燕麦,即食罐装肉或鱼是社区food bank所需的食品种类。考虑到食物过敏和储存问题,本次活动不接收家庭自制食物。每个团队需要至少一名家长或监护人在场帮助监督协调活动。所有捐赠食物都会送到社区food bank用于接济有需要的家庭。欢迎CYOC 小义工参与捐赠并制作卡片激励在困难中需要帮助的人。因为本次活动面向不同种族、文化和宗教背景的大众,请不要写入含有宗教信息的话语以免引起不必要的麻烦。请有兴趣参加本次活动的小义工在下边的链接注明可以参加活动的时间和超市地址。我们将根据登记信息协助组队和活动时间。

根据所收到捐赠食品的数量,我们会需要志愿者帮助登记、整理并将食品分类,最后统一以CYOC的名义送到社区food bank。届时我们将会及时更新信息。CYOC将根据每个小义工参与分发flyer和食品收集活动的时间颁发SSL时间。参加捐赠并制作卡片的小义工将获得额外的1小时SSL时间。如果您还不是CYOC小义工,请先申请入会CYOC再参加我们的活动。加入CYOC, 请填写下列申请表格:

递交表格后请记得查看邮件,并通过邮件提供的链接进行确认。所有代表CYOC活动的小义工们请穿CYOC T 恤。新成员请联系@TC (购买T恤,T恤大小按成人计。在第一次参加活动时请带购买T恤成本价$10。提前感谢大家抽时间参与本期活动!如果您有任何问题或建议,请联系Ryan 或致电 267 632 8185找Catherine。祝您愉快!

